Atlanta, GA Parking Lot Paralysis Lawyer

When an accident happens and someone is seriously hurt, it’s worth speaking with an Atlanta, GA parking lot paralysis lawyer. Owners of restaurants, apartments, hotels, retail stores, and other properties owe patrons and visitors a duty to keep the area reasonably safe. As a property owner, a duty of care entails any actions that other owners would take or have taken in similar circumstances. Basically, if another reasonable person would have taken certain precautions, then it’s expected that others would too. If someone gets injured, paralyzed, or loses their life while visiting a property, it could mean that safety negligence was a factor. Anyone who was seriously injured while visiting a property or parking in a lot is wise to seek counsel from our team at Deitch + Rogers today. You could be owed compensation.

Property Hazards And Risks

Our team is aware of all the ways that hazards and risks may be present on a property. These dangers could stem from negligent security, bad lighting, lack of signage, damaged surfaces, and more. As an Atlanta parking lot paralysis lawyer explains, property owners must take action so that visitors feel safe on the premises. If a security guard or system fails to perform their duties, it could result in a premises liability claim against the owner. Another factor in property injuries is bad lighting. Specifically, a parking lot that is not adequately lit can increase the chances of a crime, collision, or slip and fall. It can make it more difficult to notice imperfections or cracks in the pavement. If there are not enough signs on the property, a visitor may not be sure what to do when maneuvering in a parking lot. Owners must have clear signs posted in visible areas so that people notice them. These signs can help people know where to park, where they can’t park, and lanes for traveling in both directions.

Parking Lot Liability

A parking lot with hazards can quickly become an unsafe area for visitors. The owner of a parking lot has the responsibility to maintain the premises. Otherwise, in the event of a collision or injury accident, property owners could be liable. It is an expectation that property owners and their workers keep the grounds clean with adequate light and fix anything that could pose harm to visitors. Depending on the nature of the accident, a person could sustain injuries such as neck and back injuries, broken bones, paralysis, cuts and bruises, traumatic head injuries, and others. If you feel that your situation could warrant filing a claim against the property owner, please contact an Atlanta parking lot paralysis lawyer immediately. You could be owed compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. After what you have been through due to a negligent property owner, you deserve to know what your eligibility is to receive financial restitution. Our team at Deitch + Rogers are here to come to your side. Let us evaluate your case and then suggest how to move forward.