Group Home/Residential Treatment Crime Victim Lawyer

Group Home/Residential Treatment Crime Victim Lawyer Atlanta, GA

As our trusted Atlanta, GA group home/residential treatment crime victim attorney from Deitch + Rogers understands, group home and residential treatment facilities should be places that allow someone who is struggling to be safe from harm. This may require specialized medical care and treatment for someone who is suffering from a medical or mental health condition, as well as a place of stability for someone who needs supervision and support. However, when a resident of one of these treatment facilities or group homes becomes the victim of a crime, they may be scared to speak out. They may fear that no one will listen or that they will not have the advocate they need. When this is the case, you can turn to our team for the expertise and advocacy you need.

Crimes In Group Homes And Residential Treatment Facilities

Unfortunately, group homes and residential treatment facilities are not always safe havens for those who need them. Especially for residents who face unique emotional or developmental challenges or intellectual disabilities, they may find themselves to be the victims of crime. For many, abuse can come in the forms of abuse and assault.

  • Physical Abuse. An Atlanta group home/residential treatment crime victim attorney has seen physical abuse and assault happen to many victims. Whether it is at the hands of staff members, other residents, or visitors, someone may inflict physical harm on a victim through slapping, restraining, or hitting, to name a few.
  • Sexual Assault. Sexual assault is also not uncommon in these circumstances, and this can affect any resident living in one of these facilities. It is possible for the abuse or assault to happen at the hands of another resident, a staff member, or someone who is visiting. Because many of these residents are considered a vulnerable group, they may be more susceptible to assault.
  • Financial Exploitation. Those who are dealing with cognitive or developmental disabilities may find themselves susceptible to financial abuse and exploitation. Especially if a caregiver at the facility is entrusted with a resident’s financial information, they may use this opportunity to steal bank account information or other financial records for their personal gain.

Who Is Responsible?

If you or a loved one have been the victim of a crime at a group home or residential treatment center, it is imperative that you get legal help quickly. You have the right to protect yourself and take action. An attorney can help you hold all of the responsible parties accountable through the legal system.

Get Help Today

If you were the victim of a crime in a group home or treatment facility, don’t wait any longer to hold the responsible parties accountable. Reach out to Deitch + Rogers to speak with our trusted Atlanta group home/residential treatment crime victim attorney today.