Motel/Hotel Crime Victim Lawyer

Motel/Hotel Crime Victim Lawyer Atlanta, GA

As our trusted Atlanta, GA motel/hotel crime victim attorney knows, when you go to a motel or a hotel, it’s usually because you are trying to seek safety and relaxation when you are away from your home. However, crime can occur anywhere, and many criminals often take the opportunity to prey on a victim when the victim is out of their usual setting. This can certainly happen in places like motels or hotels. If you have been the victim of a sex crime or violent crime at a motel or a hotel, it is time to seek legal help from a firm you can trust. Reach out to Deitch + Rogers to speak with a team that will be compassionate toward you and aggressive toward the criminal involved in your case.

What Types Of Serious Crimes Most Often Happen At Motels And Hotels?

Given their nature, there are certain crimes that you may see happen more often at hotels and motels.

  • Burglary/Theft/Armed Robbery/Carjacking. There are many people coming onto hotel and motel properties at all hours of the day and night. Criminals will take this opportunity to break and enter into someone’s room, rob them in a common area, or carjack them in the parking lot.
  • Violent Assault. Aggravated assault, shootings and other violent crimes are also common at some motel and hotel properties, oftentimes associated with drugs or theft. Where there is a problem with theft, drugs and loitering, you may be more likely to become the victim of a more violent crime like shooting or stabbing during a robbery. This can lead to the victim having not only physical injuries but also emotional and behavioral trauma from the situation as well.
  • Sexual assault. Especially in places like hotels or motels, sexual assault can occur. The assaults may be caused by failures to prevent unauthorized entry into a building, faulty locks, unsecure room keys or lack of necessary security personnel. Such assaults can happen inside the rooms, in parking decks or other common areas.
  • Human trafficking. Human trafficking is one of the most abhorrent, disgusting crimes a person can commit. It occurs when one person exploits another for forced sexual interactions or labor. If you believe you have been the victim of human trafficking or know someone who has and stayed at a hotel or motel where this occurred, it is crucial to speak with a trusted Atlanta motel/hotel crime victim attorney as soon as possible.

Call Our Office Today

Though no one should go to a hotel or motel expecting to become the victim of a crime, it is important to always be on the lookout and aware of your surroundings. If you have been the victim of a crime at a hotel or motel, it is time to take legal action against the responsible property owners. You have the right to protect yourself and you have the right to safety when you travel. Contact Deitch + Rogers today to speak with our trusted and compassionate attorneys if you or your loved one have been the victim of crime at a hotel or motel.