Walmart/Target Crime Victim Lawyer

Walmart/Target Crime Victim Lawyer Atlanta, GA

If you or a loved one have been the victim of a violent crime at a Walmart or a Target, it is time to reach out to our trusted Atlanta, GA Walmart/Target crime victim attorney now. Immediately following the incident, you might be unsure of what to do. In fact, after a crime, victims are often in such a state of shock that they might not fully process what just happened. However, it is crucial that you understand what steps to take and what you should do so that you can ensure your safety and determine whether you have a civil claim against the store for failing to taking proper safety precautions. When you are ready, reach out to Deitch + Rogers for more information.

What To Do Following A Violent Crime At A Walmart Or Target

There are several things that you can do if you have been the victim of a crime at a Walmart or a Target.

  1. Make sure you are safe. Your safety is the most important thing after you were the victim of a crime. You should contact anyone in the store who is in a position of management and seek help immediately. If you feel unsafe going to your car or moving to a safer location, ask to be escorted.
  2. Call the police. While you are still at the store, it is wise to contact law enforcement as soon as possible. They will likely want to interview you while you are still at the store and gather evidence. You want to give the police as detailed a description as possible.
  3. Get medical help. It is crucial, especially if the crime that happened against you was physical or violent, that you seek medical help as soon as possible. You should reach out to a medical professional you trust so that they can thoroughly examine you and provide you with your medical records.
  4. Gather evidence. Gathering evidence will be important if you are hoping to bring a legal claim against the store. You will want to make sure you have pictures of your injuries, pictures of any property damage, and gather information from any witnesses as well.
  5. Contact a trusted attorney. After a crime, you should speak with an Atlanta Walmart/ Target crime victim attorney as soon as possible. They will want to look at the evidence that you have as well as gather their own so that they can represent you effectively and determine whether you have a case against the store for failing to protect you from the attack on their property.

When you are ready to move forward with your case, reach out to a trusted Atlanta Walmart/Target crime victim attorney from Deitch + Rogers for help. They have handled multiple cases against these companies for violent attacks and wrongful death at their stores.